SHIBA INU, 2021, 72" X 30" oil on canvas

Shiba Inu was created using the freeze frame of an instructional video for Bobby Fischer's 1968 chess match against Robert Byrne. The arrows on the chessboard were used to describe Fischer’s innovative brilliancy to defeat Byrne in a 21-move game that has been hailed as a masterpiece of chess playing. While not a chess player myself, the image of the arrows and the chessboard remind me of theories of the origins of our Universe, of polarities and rhythmic like wave vibrations that exist in the basic foundations of matter itself. As these structures over time become more complex, worlds form and eventually lead to the life that exists on them, as illustrated in the dense arrangement of flowers and leaves. The two ancient Hindu statues, the “players” of the chess game, also serve as “threshold guardians,” traditional figures placed at the entrance of temples to ward off the uninitiated or those unwilling to prostrate themselves to the Godhead within. 
